Friday, April 3, 2009

A New Two Weeks! Here we GO!!

For all those interested we are starting a new challenge today. It will only go for two weeks this time and cost $10 to enter. All winnings will go to the person her loses the biggest percentage of weight. Leave a comment saying that you are in and that you have done your initial weigh in today. Check back the next two fridays to see how we are all doing. Good luck to all!!

So far my mom, Aunt Jill, Deon, and myself are in. If you are joining you better be ready for some competition because my Aunt Jill is pretty darn motivated right now!!

Friday, March 27, 2009


The Correct Way to Weigh IN!!

I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years..!
Just to make you all smile! So Today is the last day of our challenge. I hope you all ended on a "negative" note. Please let me know how you did. I need to know percentage of weight loss and also Total inch loss and then I will give out the money to the big winner! Hope you all did a whole lot better than me :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

It is Crunch Time!!

So It has been 5 weeks and for me not much change. This is our last week before the big pay out. I hope you all make this week count. I am hoping to lose enough this week to get back to my starting weight. Pathetic!! Good luck to all of you and keep going. We will find out on Friday who the big winners are. Remember to do weight loss/total weight then times by 100 to get a percentage of weight loss. Also do your inches so we can see who the biggest inch loser is. Good Luck.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Yes, Everybody it is Friday

So How is everyone doing?? I had a fabulous week which is mostly because I had been sick and didn't eat for 4 days but I am glad to say that I kept it off actually. I lost 2.8 lbs. Now I just have to keep it off next week too. There is only two weeks left of our challenge so it is getting down to "crunch" time. Keep up the good Work !!
Last Week
Erin +.5
Chris +1.5
Jill -2
Sid -.2
I hope the rest of you are still weighing in I haven't heard from you in awhile. So let us know how you are doing!! I hope you all finish strong!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sorry I am Late!!

Well Friday has come and gone. Some of you still left comments which is great. I spent the weekend with my head the size of a beach ball so I didn't get a new post on. I am feeling better so here are the results from last week.

chris LOSS 1.2 lbs
Erin GAIN had to pay $1
Deon GAIN .5
Sid LOSS .2 lbs (the rate I am going I will have my weight off in 80 years)
Jill LOSS 2lbs
Ronalie ??
Kara ??

I hope all of you are getting in your exercise and drinking your water. I am going to try to do better this week. I have got to get back in the swing of things!! Keep going and great job Jill. I think she is the lady to catch right now!

If you haven't reported your weight loss/gain for the last week please leave a comment and let us all know how fabulous you did!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

It is Dreaded Friday again!

So hope everyone weighs in early and then you can enjoy your weekend. A week of no exercise for me so only lost .1 not so good.

Last weeks standings
Deon 1.5 lbs
Kara 1 lb
Erin 1lb
Sid .6 lb
Ronalie .5 lb
Chris .4 lb
Jill ??

Way to go everyone!! It all adds up overtime so don't give up already!!

Let me know what you think about the rules changing or if you want to just keep them the same. Leave a comment with your lost or gain for this week and think warm and happy thoughts so we can get rid of this snow!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Change the Rules??

Ok, So my mom already wants to change the rules. If you know my mom this would not surprise you! So we are thinking the inches lost are really hard to measure accurately. So what if we don't do a prize for the most inches lost but do a weekly prize of $3 for the most weight lost each week. (Deon that means you would win for the first week). Let me know what you think or if you have any other great ideas to make this better.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hey Everybody It is Friday!!

So I hope all of you had an amazing first week. I lost .6lbs (wow). I can smell victory already. I am hoping that you all did way better than that!! I have to blame some of mine on the primary activity yesterday. After which I had to come home and eat 4 poppy seed muffins.

Try not to get discouraged with whatever you lost or gained. Keep working hard, exercising, eating right, and getting your water. Even if the weight doesn't come off as fast as it seems to go on, it will all help you feel better and at least you have started!!

Leave a comment with the gain or loss for this week and then I will report who is in the lead so far so we know who to take treats to this week :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It is Not too Late!

Please still join the challenge even if you missed the friday start date. Start anyway!! We would love to have you all join!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Weight Loss Table

Here is a table I put together so I could keep track of my measurements. You can print it if you want it. Please feel free to share any helpful hints, suggestions, or ideas on healthy weightloss that you have.

It Is Time To Begin!!

Hey everyone,
Today is Friday the 13th, dooms day. It is our first weigh in. Please make sure you record your weight today and also take the following measurements. Chest, Waist, Hips, Thigh, Upper Right Arm. I hope all of you got all your good food in yesterday!! Please leave a comment saying that you are participating and you have all your initial measurements done. You do not need to post measurements. We are all on the honor system and keeping track of them ourselves. Remember if you gain more than 1 lb next Friday then you pay an additional $1. Which I am sure any one of us would be happy to take off your hands :) Good Luck to all of you!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Invite your Friends!! Since I don't have many :)

P.S. I hope you all invite a friend to participate. Whoever would like to join in the fun is more than welcome!! Please just leave a comment so I know who is planning on participating.

Friday, February 6, 2009

We are hoping this will be a fun way to challenge ourselves and try and lose a few pounds along the way. Everyone will be expected to be totally honest (including Erin) and do your own weigh-ins and measurements. Weigh-ins and Measurements need to be done once a week and preferably on Fridays. Measurements will consist of chest, waist (over your belly button), hips, right thigh (where fingertips end if you put your arms down at your side), and right arm. Please feel free to ask any questions that I have not answered and good luck to all!!


1. Each participant will pay a Very Non-Refundable payment of $5.00 to enter the "Chunky Challenge". Mail money to Sid at 352 W. 160 N #A. Blackfoot, 83221
(Please mail payment by Feb. 20th)
2. If the participant gains weight from last weeks weigh-in of 1 lb or greater (lets all hope it is not greater) then they pay an additional $1. There is no charge for any gain less than a pound.
3. If the participant doesn't report weight gained/loss and measurement during the week then they pay $1 for that week.
4. The challenge will last for 6 weeks. First weigh-in is on Friday the 13th (who picked that start date??) and final weigh-in on March 27th.
5. Payout is as follows:
Fat Loss
1st place-50% of fees will be paid to the person who loses the greatest percentage of weight. (weight loss/total weight)
2nd place-receives all money collected for pounds gained and missed weigh-ins.
Inch Loss
1st place-50% of fees will be paid to the person who loses the most inches.