Friday, February 13, 2009

It Is Time To Begin!!

Hey everyone,
Today is Friday the 13th, dooms day. It is our first weigh in. Please make sure you record your weight today and also take the following measurements. Chest, Waist, Hips, Thigh, Upper Right Arm. I hope all of you got all your good food in yesterday!! Please leave a comment saying that you are participating and you have all your initial measurements done. You do not need to post measurements. We are all on the honor system and keeping track of them ourselves. Remember if you gain more than 1 lb next Friday then you pay an additional $1. Which I am sure any one of us would be happy to take off your hands :) Good Luck to all of you!!


  1. Argh, I am already 5 lbs. more than my lowest since Brielle. I guess it's from all my "hurry and enjoy, before I start" last week. I have my measurement - Let's do this!

  2. i've weighed, i've measured and i'm in.
    valentines day should be interesting

  3. I always weigh first thing in the morning just before I jump into the shower (translation: no clothing weight), but this morning I was out of town. Hence I weighed at night after I got home. Therefore I am bound to loose at least this first week. It may be the only one so everyone cheer for me!! Chunky Grandma Ulrich

  4. Always a day late and a dollar short but I'm in too!

    I'm already eating low carb (no choice) but haven't lost any wieght in months. Do you think just thinking about it harder will do any good for my Relief Society arms and spare tire?

    Yeah, I know. I really DO have to get exercizing! Big Sigh...

    Have a good day!


  5. I'm in toooo! I really need to lose some weight and I think this will give me the motivation I need to do it because I don't want to be the one paying $1 every week. I measured and weighed on Friday. "Good luck to everyone" and maybe if it ever warms up we can get out and walk together! Have a great week Ladies!

