Friday, February 20, 2009

Hey Everybody It is Friday!!

So I hope all of you had an amazing first week. I lost .6lbs (wow). I can smell victory already. I am hoping that you all did way better than that!! I have to blame some of mine on the primary activity yesterday. After which I had to come home and eat 4 poppy seed muffins.

Try not to get discouraged with whatever you lost or gained. Keep working hard, exercising, eating right, and getting your water. Even if the weight doesn't come off as fast as it seems to go on, it will all help you feel better and at least you have started!!

Leave a comment with the gain or loss for this week and then I will report who is in the lead so far so we know who to take treats to this week :)


  1. Well, after eating 2 of your cookies that you took to the RS thing last night...

    I still lost 1 lb. - yippie!

    I was DOWN 1/2 inch on my waist, 1/2 inch on my arm, and 1/4 inch on my thigh.
    I was UP 1 inch on my hips and 1/2 inch on my chest. So overall, I am up a quarter of an inch!?

    If you ask me, I can't seem to get the same spot twice when I measure.

  2. Granny U here to report a one and a half pound loss. Before you all cheer too loud, I probably should mention it's the same 1 and 1/2 lb. I've lost and regained 47 times. But hey, it's great for this week. How the heck do those guys loose 15 lbs. in a week on the show? I work out, I diet, and I gain more often than I loose. Oh well. I'm so proud of my discipline and effort. Go everyone!!!! We're all a bunch of big loosers!! I mean winners, I mean.....

  3. i just an awesome workout with sweat down the double-chin. i'm on the train and hope
    it doesn't go backwards. i'm also hoping the 12000 calories i ate yesterday will affect my weight loss this week.
