Friday, February 6, 2009

We are hoping this will be a fun way to challenge ourselves and try and lose a few pounds along the way. Everyone will be expected to be totally honest (including Erin) and do your own weigh-ins and measurements. Weigh-ins and Measurements need to be done once a week and preferably on Fridays. Measurements will consist of chest, waist (over your belly button), hips, right thigh (where fingertips end if you put your arms down at your side), and right arm. Please feel free to ask any questions that I have not answered and good luck to all!!


1. Each participant will pay a Very Non-Refundable payment of $5.00 to enter the "Chunky Challenge". Mail money to Sid at 352 W. 160 N #A. Blackfoot, 83221
(Please mail payment by Feb. 20th)
2. If the participant gains weight from last weeks weigh-in of 1 lb or greater (lets all hope it is not greater) then they pay an additional $1. There is no charge for any gain less than a pound.
3. If the participant doesn't report weight gained/loss and measurement during the week then they pay $1 for that week.
4. The challenge will last for 6 weeks. First weigh-in is on Friday the 13th (who picked that start date??) and final weigh-in on March 27th.
5. Payout is as follows:
Fat Loss
1st place-50% of fees will be paid to the person who loses the greatest percentage of weight. (weight loss/total weight)
2nd place-receives all money collected for pounds gained and missed weigh-ins.
Inch Loss
1st place-50% of fees will be paid to the person who loses the most inches.


  1. I am in, and I'm gonna WIN!!

  2. PS I am SO proud of you for starting a blog!

    I gave it a big shout out over on my blog.

  3. i am excited, and kinda ready. erin,
    look out!

  4. Count me in! I've been at this for a long time, so I don't really expect to win, 'cause it's really slow going for my old metabolism, but I like you all so much I'm willing to put in my 5 just to be a good sport. Good luck everyone! Grandma U.

  5. valentines wasn't too good, but tomorrow i
    am really going to start

  6. well, i am doing well. gained 2 inches today, but lost .4 pounds. way to go erin

  7. Late again. I lost 1 lb and stayed the same in inches. I know it's probably a fluke since my scale can varry by a pound or two. Here's hoping it doesn't go the other way next week.
