Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Change the Rules??

Ok, So my mom already wants to change the rules. If you know my mom this would not surprise you! So we are thinking the inches lost are really hard to measure accurately. So what if we don't do a prize for the most inches lost but do a weekly prize of $3 for the most weight lost each week. (Deon that means you would win for the first week). Let me know what you think or if you have any other great ideas to make this better.


  1. i have already lost .2 pounds this week.
    look out!

  2. the ddddd was me trying to figure out how
    to comment.

  3. i also think the least loser each week should pay $1. (as long as it isn't me)

  4. i lost 1.2 pounds and gained 1 inch
