Friday, February 27, 2009

It is Dreaded Friday again!

So hope everyone weighs in early and then you can enjoy your weekend. A week of no exercise for me so only lost .1 not so good.

Last weeks standings
Deon 1.5 lbs
Kara 1 lb
Erin 1lb
Sid .6 lb
Ronalie .5 lb
Chris .4 lb
Jill ??

Way to go everyone!! It all adds up overtime so don't give up already!!

Let me know what you think about the rules changing or if you want to just keep them the same. Leave a comment with your lost or gain for this week and think warm and happy thoughts so we can get rid of this snow!!


  1. i lost 1.2 pounds and gained 1 inch. maybe
    eating apple pie swirls is a good thing


    Not a very good week, eating leftover chocolates from Valentine's Day and going to Red Lobster to gorge myself didn't do good things like the apparent apple pie swirls do.

    I owe.

    My mom wanted me to let you know that she gained .5

  3. jill lost 2 pounds this week and sounds like
    she might be the $3.00 winner.

  4. Apparently all of you don't intimidate me enough to work hard and lose weight!
    I am, yet again, UP!! +.5 this week.
    I'll do better next week, maybe...
    or I'll just give up!

  5. well, i gained 1.5 pounds and am not very
    happy about it. am starting yet again.
    Jill lost 2 pounds again. maybe her lose
    will be my incentive. got to get back to
    basics of exercise and no candy. hope i can
    do it for more than 5 minutes
