Friday, March 13, 2009

Yes, Everybody it is Friday

So How is everyone doing?? I had a fabulous week which is mostly because I had been sick and didn't eat for 4 days but I am glad to say that I kept it off actually. I lost 2.8 lbs. Now I just have to keep it off next week too. There is only two weeks left of our challenge so it is getting down to "crunch" time. Keep up the good Work !!
Last Week
Erin +.5
Chris +1.5
Jill -2
Sid -.2
I hope the rest of you are still weighing in I haven't heard from you in awhile. So let us know how you are doing!! I hope you all finish strong!!


  1. I lost 1 pound which brings me to where I was two weeks ago before I gained a pound. How the heck do they loose 13 lbs. in a week on biggest looser? Deon

  2. well, i lost 1.2 pounds which isn't quite as
    much as i gained last week. i am ready for
    a good week this week. (that's what i always
    say). i would have lost more but sid took me
    for fattening ice cream so its her fault
