Friday, March 27, 2009


The Correct Way to Weigh IN!!

I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years..!
Just to make you all smile! So Today is the last day of our challenge. I hope you all ended on a "negative" note. Please let me know how you did. I need to know percentage of weight loss and also Total inch loss and then I will give out the money to the big winner! Hope you all did a whole lot better than me :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

It is Crunch Time!!

So It has been 5 weeks and for me not much change. This is our last week before the big pay out. I hope you all make this week count. I am hoping to lose enough this week to get back to my starting weight. Pathetic!! Good luck to all of you and keep going. We will find out on Friday who the big winners are. Remember to do weight loss/total weight then times by 100 to get a percentage of weight loss. Also do your inches so we can see who the biggest inch loser is. Good Luck.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Yes, Everybody it is Friday

So How is everyone doing?? I had a fabulous week which is mostly because I had been sick and didn't eat for 4 days but I am glad to say that I kept it off actually. I lost 2.8 lbs. Now I just have to keep it off next week too. There is only two weeks left of our challenge so it is getting down to "crunch" time. Keep up the good Work !!
Last Week
Erin +.5
Chris +1.5
Jill -2
Sid -.2
I hope the rest of you are still weighing in I haven't heard from you in awhile. So let us know how you are doing!! I hope you all finish strong!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sorry I am Late!!

Well Friday has come and gone. Some of you still left comments which is great. I spent the weekend with my head the size of a beach ball so I didn't get a new post on. I am feeling better so here are the results from last week.

chris LOSS 1.2 lbs
Erin GAIN had to pay $1
Deon GAIN .5
Sid LOSS .2 lbs (the rate I am going I will have my weight off in 80 years)
Jill LOSS 2lbs
Ronalie ??
Kara ??

I hope all of you are getting in your exercise and drinking your water. I am going to try to do better this week. I have got to get back in the swing of things!! Keep going and great job Jill. I think she is the lady to catch right now!

If you haven't reported your weight loss/gain for the last week please leave a comment and let us all know how fabulous you did!!